Computational Modelling of Cell and Tissue Mechanics

Supervisor: Dr. Gonca Erdemci-Tandogan

Project Description (Abstract):

The current research in our group focuses on developing computational framework to study the fundamental physical mechanisms underlying the mechanical regulation of cell shapes and coordination during embryonic development and disease progress. Collective cell movements guide embryonic development, wound repair and can contribute to disease such as cancer metastasis. Although there is a growing recognition that cell behaviours can be governed and coordinated by tissue mechanics, the interplay between physical forces and collective cell behaviours is not well understood. Theoretical and computational models provide new powerful tools to determine the impact of tissue mechanics on cell behaviour. Our group has a number of projects available for students interested in developing computational and theoretical models to answer two main questions: (1) how can we define and control the material properties of tissues?, and (2) do tissue material properties affect cellular functions and coordination thereof?


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